Wednesday, June 05, 2002



Well, here we go. The title and description for this blog are, rather obviously, inspired by ESPN's "Pardon the Interruption," probably the freshest, most entertaining debate-style shows ever (and not just because it's sports.)

My objective here is to keep a running tab of my ideas, thoughts, and analysis throughout the day. Not terribly earth-shattering in the whole scheme of blogging, but I hope to keep it fresh and entertaining, nonetheless. As stated in the description, my topics will generally range from US politics (I'm an unabashed conservative/libertarian) to education issues (something too often ignored by Americans with the largest stake in the process) to science topics (I'm an engineer by training) and, as always, sports. Other stuff will be touched on as it touches me.

I don't intend to get very personal at all, but for anyone interested, my name is Eric Steinhauser. I live near Houston, Texas. My biggest hobby at this point is cooking, and trying to convince family members to eat what I have prepared. This last part is more difficult than one might imagine -- the food's good, but they're just picky. And so it goes ...

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