Thursday, October 10, 2002


Meesa Back

Damn, grad school is busy. I'm going to experiment over the next month or so with more of a daily log type style of blog. Not quite diary, not quite commentary. Somewhere in the middle ...

That having been said, a quick look at the Nobel citation for Literature Prize winner Imre Kertesz includes this little nugget:
"The refusal to compromise in Kertesz's stance can be perceived clearly in his style, which is reminiscent of a thickset hawthorn hedge, dense and thorny for unsuspecting visitors," the citation said.
Translation: His work is totally inaccessible for the general population and will continue to be unpopular for generations to come, largely because he writes about one thing and one thing only.

In a roundabout, cynical way, I can't help but wonder if this is a calculated attempt by the Euro-Elite to justify their ridiculously high levels of hostility towards Israel (and the growing anti-Semitism in Western Europe) by throwing the prize this year to an overtly Jewish writer whose entire career revolves around the Holocaust.

Also, looking at Imre's picture, I can't help but thinking that he looks exactly like a Chemistry professor.

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