Friday, October 18, 2002


Take Back the Night?

Instead of trying to come up with good, positive solutions, the usual SGB suspects are going to "TAKE BACK THE NIGHT!" with bullhorns and posterboards. They're also furthering the lie about rape and sexual assault being so prevalent on American college campuses.

Note that they never merely say rape, but they must also include sexual assault, whose definition is so nebulous that your average activist feminist researcher can quasi-plausibly include being hit upon or longingly gazed at as a sexual assault. But I'm getting off the point.

What criminal minds, praytell, will suddenly decide to give up their treacherous ways after a bunch of crop-haired CWO types go tramping across Oakland chanting various gobbledygook and saying "no to violence on campus"? I'll tell you how many -- ZERO.

Contrast this action with that of Charmaine Dunbar in the East End who singlehandedly stopped a serial rapist with two .357 slugs to the abdomen of the SOB who threatened her.

Criminals respect one thing and one thing only -- deadly force.

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