Wednesday, January 15, 2003



Mystery surrounding the Lincoln commercials has been solved. The song in question is "Get a Move On" by Mr. Scruff on the album Keep It Unreal. It will soon be mine.

Also found on, while comparing textbook prices (cheaper at the university store, believe it or not), was a particularly interesting attempt to have me purchase other items. I'm looking at this text, for Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design (fun course, eh?), and while scrolling down the page, I see the following:

First, there is the standard Amazon thing, "Customers who bought this book also bought:". This I can totally understand. But then, just below that, I see, "Customers who wear clothes also shop for:", and I'm just flabberghasted. How many nudist chemical engineers are there in the world for whom this phrase would be irrelevant? And why do I, as a ChemEng grad student, care about buying baby clothes? Moreover, they say that customers buy CLEAN underwear. Who doesn't?

This new affiliation will obviously provide me with hours of both sheer hilarity and non-understanding angst.

Anyone remember the "Pat" sketch on SNL when Christopher Walken was so dumbfounded by his inability to discern Pat's gender that he just jumped out the window? I feel similarly struck after looking at that page.

BTW, thanks to Joe and Dwight for showing me the way to the Bud Dwyer fan club. I now understand the true depth of depravity that is WPXI. A few weeks ago, some UH student climbed up a Houston skyscraper and threw himself to his death. Several stations showed it as it happened, and one even replayed it. Surprisingly, it was not KPRC, the local version of WPXI, but rather the FOX affiliate.

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